I’m not going to lie to you. It’s been a week. Not only did my Philadelphia Eagles lose their way out of the playoffs, but I was also in a minor car accident. The biggest tragedy of them all, however, is the fact that I have not imbibed in one. single. beer. None. It’s quite sad. I will be rectifying that fact this weekend, if I live that long. Until then, I invite you to join me in living vicariously through the rest of the PorchDrinking staff. This is What We’re Drinking.

Electric Lettuce | Moonraker Brewing Company


Keyboard Gangsta | Whitestone Brewery


Best Coast Pale Ale | Red Bus Brewing Company


Little Boss | Blue Owl Brewing


Fundamental Observation | Bottle Logic Brewing


Terps & Caicos | Alvarado Street Brewery


Aperitif Pilsner | Moody Tongue Brewing Company


Deth’s Tar | Revolution Brewing Company


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