With racial tensions higher than ever, and an election cycle that exacerbated those riffs to an even greater degree, it’s time to bring us back down to Earth and just laugh a little, sing a little, awkwardly dance a lot. That’s right white folks, Songs White People Love is back for Volume III, and it’s more awkward than ever.

In case you missed last year’s pleated slacks donning, Super Cuts inspired, socks in sandals rocking- sing-a-long fest Volume II, or the “O.G.” (as white people love throwing around) scones scarfing, air guitar inducing, Pumpkin spice latte guzzling, shoulder shrug dancing compendium Volume I, click here.

While last year’s entries were more 90s inspired, and the original edition was a bit more old school, the third volume in this opus is a melange that crosses all genres while still appealing to the melanin deficient, 90’s pop, 80’s rock, stadium anthems, country, wedding reception classics, popular rap/r&b, and all the Hall & Oates your heart could possibly hold. That right, the only artist to successfully find its way to hit every Songs White People Love Playlist returns for the third time.

So without further ado, let’s all come together and share in a group sing-a-long, you know the kind where everyone circles up and allows the one or two friends who actually have rhythm to lead the charge. Let us share in an awkward embrace and let your limbs flutter akimbo.


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