James Cordon officially official replacement for Craig Ferguson

You may remember Cordon from that episode of Doctor Who or that episode of Sherlock or that play you meant to see but never got around to it, One Man, Two Guvnors.  You may also remember him from the upcoming tragedy of a film, Into the Woods as The Baker.  Of if you’re me, you know him from Gavin and Stacey.

Cordon will start on The Late Late Show in 2015.

Duck Tales. ooOOOooo.

I want to do this even with non duck themed shows.  Family Matters with ducks? Full House with ducks?  What wouldn’t be made better with ducks?

Gilmore Girls is coming to Netflix

I don’t think there’s much overlap of fans of Gilmore Girls and fans of this blog, but I care about this so just stay with me for another two sentences max.  All seven seasons will be available for streaming on October 1.  I didn’t have a plan for the second sentence.

We got heirs on heirs on heirs on heirs

Princess Kate is pregnant. Again. So soon.  Little Prince George was only born a year ago. I mean, I know they have to produce heirs or whatever but give her ladybits some time to catch their breath.  Is that disrespectful? Good thing I’m American and stuff.  Here’s a lovely Georgie gif:
