Well, looky here. It’s June 10th, once again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!

5. Speaking of my dad, there’s no way he would like this song… mostly because it was made after 1965. I miss you, Scrubs.

4. … and he definitely wouldn’t like this song, but those freakin’ kittens…

3. You know who would make a great dad? Flask-carryin’ Chris O’Dowd.

2. My dad played soccer. He also took me to see Toy Story. So, he (and you) would probably like this commercial.

1. Final Dad theme: Italian! Heyo, ah-spicy-ah-meatball-ah! But seriously… I meant to put these videos in last week. They’re just too funny to ignore.

For more Luigi mash-ups, click here.

BONUS: Happy B-Day, Pops. Be sure to wish your dads a Happy Father’s Day! (Contains spoilers for any of you you who have miraculously not watched the show yet.)

See you in a .gif, Alex