8% ABV

Anthony Trollope wrote “What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee?” Well, I guess he never considered wrapping a rich, creamy stout around that cup of Joe. Sure, it was the 1850’s and Santa Fe Brewing didn’t exist yet, so perhaps I should give him a pass. Regardless, I’m almost positive old Tony would change his mind if handed a delicious imperial stout brewed with locally roasted coffee beans sourced from East Timor and New Guinea.

This beer pours out of the 12-oz can a deep, dark brown and slightly translucent near the edges, topped with a thin tan head that dissipates fairly quickly. Coffee is readily and pleasantly apparent in the aroma, but malt, cocoa, and toast also lurk beneath. The first sip screams coffee, like someone very kindly snuck several shots of espresso in to your glass while you weren’t looking. Coffee and hop bitterness is well balanced by malt sweetness with notes of chocolate, milk, caramel, and vanilla. Even at 8% ABV, the alcohol is barely perceptible, and the beer is increasingly delicious as it warms, allowing the sweetness to recede while the other flavors intensify and meld together. With a creamy and rich body, it’s practically like drinking a chocolate-coffee milkshake.

If you love coffee and beer as much as I do, grab a can of Santa Fe Brewing’s Imperial Java Stout. Previously a seasonal release, it’s thankfully available year-round. Hey, you can even drink it on the sofa while reading a book.