What would you do if you won the Powerball? 500 million dollars to be exact.  What would you do with 500 MILLION dollars… well more likely 250-300 million after taxes but who’s counting?  Well we decide pose this ridiculous scenario to our staff to see what would transpire.

Scott-Pay off the house, and then I’d do nothing but travel. I have a list of places I want to visit that keeps growing, so I’d try to hit up every spot on that list.

CVM- Um, well obviously my first move is to get a pet hedgehog. They are illegal in New York City where I reside, but with my new found fortune, I could easily pay for a hot shot lawyer to get me out of any legal repercussions.  I would also use a portion to try to make Chuck Lorre just stop.

Mike R- Besides 2 chicks at the same time?

Coit- I’d obviously take the lump sum over the monthly payments. Put half of it in a high interest savings account, and with the rest I’d do my best impression of “Brewster’s Millions“.

Andy- This. http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/2025164_o.gif

Coit- Shit. Auto-win goes to Mike.
Nik- I’d pay God to make winter last only through December.
Drew-  Having previously contemplated the practicalities of Scrooge McDuck’s money pit swimming pool, may I suggest a paper money pit swimming pool instead of a coin money pit swimming pool?  I feel after everything is said and done, you’ll thank me.  Perhaps with a portion of your fortune.
Lindsay- I’d pay off all my debts, buy a house so I could stop renting shitty apartments, let my dad retire from his life-sucking job, and then travel my ass off.
Chris- My family would get the majority of the money for however they see fit. A bit would go towards education grants and then I would try and be like Gunther Holtorf. He and his wife have been traveling the world for the last 23 years in a Mercedes G-Wagon they affectionately nicknamed ‘Otto’ – that would be cool.
Will- In Denver there is a spot where all the bums hang out that I have dubbed the Bumuda Triangle. I would take out 20k in singles and make it rain on that place. Just kidding, I would actually purchase my family’s ranch and build a nice house on it for Lynn and myself to live on. Probably brew, drink, and travel repeat  to occupy our time.
Laura M- I’d buy a Rolls Royce.  I got to drive one for work once, and it ruined me forever.