The iPad has been in the news recently for several reasons – here’s what you missed!

Here’s why you should NEVER buy an iPad at Wal-Mart

A video that four Kentucky Wal-Mart workers created has caused quite a stir.  The video begins with the cameraman advising viewers, “Alright, this is why you don’t buy an iPad from Wal-Mart.”  The workers then videotape themselves throwing, purposefully dropping, and generally ignoring the fragile nature of the electronics inside the boxes they’re “organizing” in the warehouse. Check it out for yourself here.  Oh, in case you were wondering…the employees no longer work for Wal-Mart.

iPad Mini now in stores

The iPad Mini recently hit store shelves…and no one really seems to care.  The new device has received overwhelmingly neutral to negative reviews, with most reviewers citing the lack of retina display and stripped down internal components as the biggest negatives for the device.  The conclusion that most analysts are coming to is that potential customers should simply wait until a Mini with upgraded guts and specs is announced…in approximately six months’ time.  It seems that reviewers have decided en-masse to voice the biggest complaint of consumers.  Essentially, “Every time I buy a new Apple product, you announce something cooler/prettier/faster!”

Oprah Tweets about her Microsoft Surface love…from her iPad

Oprah Winfrey is well-known at this point for her “Favorite Things” lists around the holidays, and has taken to Twitter to promote some of the favorite items for 2012 to her 14.9 million followers.  Her tweet on November 18th about the new Microsoft Surface tablet said simply: “Gotta say love that SURFACE! Have bought 12 already for Christmas gifts.#FavoriteThings.”  Here’s the only problem: news quickly spread about the tweet, since the details for it noted that it was sent “Via Twitter for iPad.”  Busted!