It’s back folks! Dust off those neon jumpsuits, buy batteries for your walkmans, it’s time once again for the New Kids on the Block 80’s/Craft Beer Party! We’re teaming up once again, with our great friends at Imbibe, Denver Off the Wagon and The Lobby to throw the most radular beer festival you’ve ever attended.

The 2014 NKOTB party will take place on Thursday, March 27 from 8pm – 11pm and will feature Colorado breweries who have only been in existence for the past two years or younger. A ticket gets you unlimited pours to discover Colorado’s newest breweries while you wear your sunglasses at night and a portion of the proceeds will go toward the Colorado Brewers Guild.

This year we’re also featuring a special VIP ticket which includes a beer themed buffet, adult daycare up, bandana and a few extra treats.

Buy your ticket now for early bird pricing and all you’ll have to worry about hitting the thrift stores for that perfect fanny pack find.

new kids fb pic